
Unveiling the Inspiration Behind Our Company Name

Our company name is more than just a label; it’s a testament to our philosophy and the transformative power of embracing new perspectives. We chose this name because we wholeheartedly believe in the value of keeping an open mind and embracing fresh ideas. Our journey is fueled by a commitment to break free from limiting routines and unlock our true potential. Let’s delve into a poignant example that resonates with our philosophy. A cherished colleague, whose brilliance and creativity remain deeply missed, graced our team until 2009. In the final year of his life, he approached the production operations team with an audacious proposal—to install haproxy on every web node. Our initial reaction was skepticism; it seemed like a radical notion. However, a pivotal moment came when I chose to approach him with an open and receptive mindset. He patiently elaborated on his vision—a unified solution that simplified developers’ lives by enabling them to address a service as “database@localhost” and trust haproxy to route correctly. He envisioned a seamless ecosystem where the intricate choreography of services was orchestrated effortlessly. This simple yet profound idea had the potential to revolutionize how we approached development and operations. By embracing his innovative proposal and setting aside our reservations, we streamlined the entire development process. His idea harmonized seamlessly with our infrastructure built upon Chef, enabling operations to update haproxy at will, without imposing modifications on the developer teams meticulously crafted code. Remarkably, this vision foreshadowed the essence of Kubernetes, a platform he would have undoubtedly embraced. Through our willingness to engage in dialogue, even when initially perplexed, we empowered our developer community. We learned that it’s through these exchanges that we transcend obstacles and construct paths toward greater efficiency and collaboration. In essence, our company name embodies the spirit of seeking wisdom in unexpected places, of fostering a culture where ideas—no matter how unconventional—are met with curiosity rather than dismissal. Just as we honored our late colleague’s legacy, we honor the endless potential that arises when we approach the unknown with an open heart and a receptive mind.

The Tech

Our technological direction centers around the captivating realm of 3D printing. This captivating field will be at the heart of our endeavors, driving innovation and propelling us forward. However, the story doesn’t end there. In our eclectic arsenal, you’ll find not just the capabilities of 3D printing, but also the precision of laser technology, the mastery of forging, the ingenuity of drill presses, and beyond. Possibilities stretch as far as the imagination, and we’re here to explore, experiment, and bring to life whatever creative sparks may ignite. While 3D printing anchors us, our diverse tools empower us to embark on a journey of limitless creation.